Staff helps a member at the front desk Staff helps a member at the front desk

Discover Your Passion at the Y!

Participate in one of the many programs and services to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Swim Drills during competitive swim team practice

Competitive Swim Team

Our Competitive Swim team offers competitive swim instruction for swimmers in a supportive team environment for all swimmers at every ability ages 5 to 18. The Spring/Summer Season is April 15-July 26.

New members look at a program book


Join online today and receive $0 Joiner Fee and 50% off your first month.

Lifestyle Coach is leading a diabetes prevention program class

Diabetes Prevention Program

The YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program gives you the skills you need and the support you deserve to make lasting healthy lifestyle changes. With this program, you will be encouraged to make small, achievable changes. It’s not too late- we are here to support you. 

group of people standing together outside


The West Cook YMCA has been serving our community since 1902. The Y is known for programs such as residence, swim lessons, fitness, sports, after-school care, and summer camp. In 2014, we renewed our commitment to the communities we serve through an intentional and comprehensive restructuring of the Y’s capacity and program offerings in order to position our Y, programs, and services as the preferred wellness provider to our members and service area by providing a quality experience through excellence in service.


As a member of the Y, together, we are addressing the needs of our community through a focus on youth achievement and community health and wellness.


provided in scholarships since 2014


Youth gained confidence in the water through aquatic programs


Students improved their math and literacy skills


Newcomers were provided temporary housing


Career Opportunities at the Y

Lifeguard holding a rescue tube

Swim Instructor and Lifeguard

$16-$20 per hour
Member Engagement Representative helps a member at the front desk

Member Engagement Representative

Full Time: $18-$20/hour
Lead Teacher helps students with homework

Lead Teacher

Part Time: $25/hour